WinRAR Multi License Quote
Does your business require more than 999 RAR software Licenses?
Below is where you can request your quote!
Please be aware that the WinRAR and RAR terms of license require business users to purchase one perpetual license per computer, laptop, or mobile device on which the software is installed. So you are required to purchase the number of usage licenses for use by the purchaser or the purchaser’s employees on that same number of devices.
In a network (server/client) environment the user must purchase a license copy for each separate client (workstation) on which the software is installed, used or accessed. A separate license copy for each client (workstation) is needed regardless of whether the clients (workstations) will use the software simultaneously or at different times. If for example you have 1000 different clients (workstations, laptops etc) in your network with access to RAR software, you must purchase that same number of license copies.
RAR software licenses are valid for all available language and platform versions. If you have purchased multi licenses, you can even mix versions to meet your business needs.
For full details please read the License.txt file in your \Program Files\WinRAR\ folder, or via WinRAR, Help, Help topics, Contents: ‘License and purchasing information’.
WinRAR Multi License >999 Quote: