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WinRAR Licenses

Thank you for purchasing your WinRAR license, as every lifetime license ensures that your WinRAR will be continually updated.
Non business (home) users only require one US$29 WinRAR license to cover all of your non-business family computers in your household, so go to your Checkout.

For one person Small Business users we offer a single WinRAR license for US$29, in your Checkout.


For Medium to Large businesses we provide Discounted WinRAR Multiple licenses from 2 up to 999 as shown in the table below. So go to your Checkout and select the required number of licenses.


NoteWinRAR Multi licenses are required for each and every computer or workstation used in your business. You must purchase the minimum quantity (left column) to qualify for the discounted price in that row.


Do you require more than the above 999 WinRAR Licences? We can provide a customised discount quote for any bona fide large business, including Educational and Government.


We also recommend our heavily discounted WinRAR Maintenance Support (details here) for a 15% annual fee. If you do not require it then just delete it from your Checkout with the X.


….The WinRAR Tertiary Student and Teacher25% Discount is available by request to to selwyn@winrar.co.nz.


….Our WinRAR Academic Multi license 25% Discount is only available on request.


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